Universal Laws






Theosophical Society - Universal Laws.  Cosmos.  What is the purpose of Life? What happens when we die? Do we come back? The Theosophical teachings postulate the Human Soul is a pilgrim in a plan of Spiritual Evolution. This journey is accomplished through a cycle of Reincarnation, and regulated universal laws as that of Karma, Dharma, the Law of Periodicity, etc.Universal Laws

What is the purpose of Life? What happens when we die? Do we come back? The Theosophical teachings postulate the Human Soul is a pilgrim in a plan of Spiritual Evolution. This journey is accomplished through a cycle of Reincarnation, and regulated universal laws as that of Karma, Dharma, the Law of Periodicity, etc.


Masters, Gurus and Disciples






Theosophical Society - Tibet Painting. The Theosophical Society was the first organization in modern times to introduce the concept of the Masters of the Wisdom (also called Adepts or Mahatmas) to the West, which differs in very important aspects to the New Age idea of the Ascended Masters. Explore the Theosophical teachings about this very interesting and inspiring subject.Masters, Gurus and Disciples

The Theosophical Society was the first organization in modern times to introduce the concept of the Masters of the Wisdom (also called Adepts or Mahatmas) to the West, which differs in very important aspects to the New Age idea of the Ascended Masters. Explore the Theosophical teachings about this very interesting and inspiring subject.