Theosophical Periodicals, Magazines, Journals, Series, Pamphlets, Lectures and Manuals, in English
Esoterica - The Journal of the Foundation for Theosophical Studies
Friends of Theosophical Archives (FOTA)
For the Love of Life (TOS)
Institute for Consciousness Research Newsletter (issues of the last year, can subscribe to get them electronically)
International Association for the Preservation of Spiritualist and Occult Periodicals
ITC Magazine (International Theosophy)
MID (Monastic Interreligious Dialogue) Bulletin
Researches Relevant to Theosophy
Newsletter (Indo-Pacific Federation of the TS)
Newsletter Krishnamurti Foundation of America
Reflections (Yale Divinity School)
The Service Link (TOS)
Sunrise: Theosophic Perspectives
Vegetarian Journal (partial issues available)