TheosoFEST is an annual open-house mind, body, spirit, festival celebrating the wisdom of the ages, the unity of all life, and spiritual self-transformation. We invite you to join us for this free event exploring spirituality and community! Bring your friends and family!
Learn about meditative practices from several traditions; involve yourself in activities such as the Labyrinth Walk, Qigong and Tai Ji, Kid's Korner, and the ever-popular Drumming Circle! Browse exhibits and vendor booths, experience hands-on demonstrations, sample tasty vegetarian food, visit the Quest Book Shop, explore our spiritual library, or stroll around the grounds!
No registration required. Free Entry. $5 lawn parking-cash or credit
Location: 1926 N. Main St in Wheaton, IL
If you are interested in being a vendor, please email info@theosophical.org.
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Theosofest 2024 Presenters, Topics & Schedule
Opening Ceremony: Prayers from World Traditions
10:15 a.m., auditorium (third floor)
Join us as we share blessings and prayers with representatives from a sampling of traditions from around the world, including Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Native American, Buddhism, Baháʼí and Theosophy.
So, What is Theosophy Anyway? with President Douglas Keene, MD
11:00 a.m., auditorium (third floor)
When someone attends a talk on Theosophy, they might be asked by family and friends, “So, what is Theosophy anyway?” and expect an answer in one or two sentences. However, Theosophy is multifaceted, and simple depictions may not capture crucial aspects. Whether you are familiar with the organization or not, come hear a brief introductory presentation on the essential elements of this tradition.
Douglas Keene, MD has been a member of the TSA since 1980. He has served several years on the TSA Board of Directors, initially as Eastern Director and currently as President. Doug has presented throughout the United States and internationally on Theosophical topics. He is also a family doctor and has been in practice for over 30 years. Later in his career, he earned a Masters of Public Health in Global Health and worked in Lesotho, Africa for two years training native doctors.
Despacho Ceremony: A Traditional Andean Earthkeepers’ Living Prayer Offering with Jami Lieder
11:00 a.m., activity tent (outside)
This interactive ceremony, referred to as a despacho in the Andes, is rooted in gratitude for Mother Earth and extends to gratitude for all of life. It is an opportunity to release that which no longer serves one’s journey, then, with gratitude, to call in the gift of creation. The prayers and living mandala of plants and flowers are ceremonially offered in a sacred fire to pachamama (Mother Earth), or water. As the despacho is released, the intentions (prayers) are disclosed to spirit and the universe for the highest good.
A Native Guide to Vision Quests with Billie Topa Tate
12:30 p.m., Auditorium (third floor)
Join us for an exciting lecture by Mescalero Apache teacher and author Billie Topa Tate. Billie will share the teachings of her native elders regarding the profound power of visions— energy tools from the universe that provide vast amounts of information in a powerful moment of time, specifically about ourselves and our journey. Explore the wonderful wisdom of receiving a vision, and the beautiful ceremonies that support the landscape of the mystic. Topics include:
- What is a vision, and how important are they?
- Ceremonies that support visions
- How to use visions on our spiritual path
- Vision quest stories and symbols
Billie Topa Tate is the founder of MSI Wellness Center. She is Mescalero Apache and is dedicated to “Creating a Sacred Place One Person at a Time” through the indigenous Native teachings of her teachers. Topa Tate has lectured and taught at Northwestern University, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, and more. Her work has been published in several magazines, and she is the author of several meditation recordings and books. She is dedicated to being of service to anyone who is seeking wellness, mindfulness training, and spiritual growth. Learn more at her website: msi-healing.com.
Sustain DuPage Garden Tour
11:30 a.m., gardens
Therapeutic Touch for Healing Self, Family and Our World with Marylin Johnston-Svoboda
12:30 a.m. Nicholson Hall (lower level)
Therapeutic Touch® (TT) is a gentle healing modality of the heart, mind, and hands. It brings a sense of balance, peacefulness, and wellbeing to those who are ill, dying, or have ordinary everyday stressors. It is a holistic, evidence-based healing therapy that incorporates the intentional and compassionate use of universal energy. Learn a simple way of administering TT to bring comfort to our families and ourselves, and to reduce stress, anxiety, and pain. Imagine a world where individuals and families were taught to care for one another with a consciousness of compassion on a daily basis.
Marilyn Johnston-Svoboda, RN, EdD, QTTP/QTTT (Qualified Therapeutic Touch Teacher), is a retired professor of nursing. Taught by Dora Kunz, who co-created TT, Dr. Johnston has led numerous workshops and conferences over the past 30 years, teaching TT, imagery, and other wellness and healing modalities. She currently teaches several TT workshops each year and mentors many students. In her private practice, she creates a caring and peaceful environment in which to administer TT for those who are ill along with those who seek to maintain well-being.
Easy Yoga for Balance and Wellbeing with Vivian Thorne
12:30 p.m., activity tent (outside)
Join us for some yoga postures that can be done while standing and sitting on a chair. These easy postures benefit your mental and physical wellbeing by improving relaxation, flexibility, and strength. No experience necessary!
Vivian Thorne is a certified yoga teacher, 100 CYT, and leads women’s spiritual mindfulness retreats. She also works in pediatric public health. Yoga and meditation are a consistent part of her practice.
Exploring and Experiencing the Labyrinth with John Robertson
12:30 p.m., labyrinth
For over four millennia, labyrinths have been wonderful tools to enhance relaxation and intuition. They have helped people relax, meditate and make healthy life choices. Learn about labyrinths and how to walk the outdoor labyrinth at the Theosophical Society, followed by a guided group walk.
John Robertson has nearly 20 years of experience practicing and teaching T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong. He is a Level 7 Certified Qigong Instructor with World Ki Gong and a Certified Advanced Instructor and professional member of the National Qigong Association. John owns Seven Stars Martial Arts in Winfield. (www.7StarsMA.com).
Sustain DuPage Garden Tour
1:00 p.m., gardens
Learn Your Stress Personality Type and How to Manage it with Neurologist Trupti Gokani, MD
2:00 p.m., auditorium (third floor)
Join Dr. Trupti Gokani for an exploration of stress through the lens of ancient Ayurvedic wisdom, starting with an assessment of your unique stress personality. This is the first step in connecting with the Self, a key component of Dr. Gokani's proprietary SOUL Method. For over two decades, Dr. Gokani has successfully employed this approach in her clinical and coaching practice, transforming those struggling with overwhelm, pain, lack of focus, and misaligned health to vibrant health with clarity, focus, and enhanced productivity.
You will have the opportunity to take a carefully crafted stress personality quiz, which will help you delve deeper into your inherent nature and current state. From this understanding, you will gain insights into your unique digestive nature and its connection to your doshic (mind-body energetic) state.
True health encompasses not only the physical aspects, but also the emotional and spiritual dimensions of our being. This session will provide you with specific tools to create harmony between your mind and body.
Trupti Gokani, MD is an award-winning, board-certified neurologist, health and mindset coach, Ayurveda expert, and Master Practitioner of NLP who has dedicated her life to developing a unique blend of ancient wisdom with modern approaches. By melding these approaches, she has become a highly sought-after speaker and coach, sharing holistic wellness strategies with media personalities like Dr. Oz and pharmaceutical giants like Teva, and has coached clients from all over the world. She has been a blogger for The Huffington Post and served on the faculty for The Shift Network and Metagenics.
Remembering Past Lives: A Buddhist Perspective with John Cianciosi
2:00 p.m., Nicholson Hall (lower level)
While belief in reincarnation has been part of Eastern religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism for millennia, it is also becoming more widely accepted in the West. However, there is still much that is not understood, or worse, misunderstood about the process. We will explore how reincarnation and rebirth are often explained, and in particular, how the process is presented in Buddhism. We will also review some practices which may allow one to member past lives, or have glimpses of past life experience.
John Cianciosi was ordained a Buddhist monk in Thailand in 1972 and trained under one of that country’s most gifted and influential meditation masters, the late Venerable Ajahn Chah. Later, he was appointed abbot of Wat Pah Nanachat, the International Forest Monastery established to provide training for the growing number of Ajahn Chah’s Western disciples. In 1982, he was asked to establish a Buddhist monastery in Perth, Western Australia. For the next 14 years, he was instrumental in successfully establishing Bodhinyana Monastery and Dhammaloka Buddhist Centre. In 1995, he left monastic life and moved to the Chicago area, where he continues to share his insights and wisdom. He is the author of The Meditative Path and is currently the director of public programs at the Theosophical Society in America.
Ayurveda for Stress Management with Swati Mhaske
2:00 p.m., activity tent (outside)
Ayurveda is India’s ancient holistic medicine system. Its focus is to create harmony within our own unique being and with the world around us. Learn how to view your health and self-care in profound, simple, and completely new ways. Join Ayurveda doctor and clinical researcher Swati Mhaske to learn the essentials of Ayurveda, easy self-care practices, and routine adjustments for radical healing of the body, mind, and spirit. Topics include the basics, history, and significance of Ayurveda; the role of the five elements and the three doshas; discovering and balancing your unique dosha constitution; and Ayurveda practices for daily life.
Swati Mhaske, B.A.M.S., M.Sc.Pharm, is an Ayurveda practitioner with a bachelor’s degree in Ayurveda medicine and surgery and a master’s degree in scientific research and pharmaceutical medicine from India. She also has extensive hands-on training in Panchakarma (detoxification and body cleanse procedures) and offers one-on-one Ayurvedic and Panchakarma consultations in treating lifestyle disorders, hormonal imbalances, fertility issues, and other health imbalances in adults and children at her company HemaVeda in Crystal Lake. Learn more at her website: hemaveda.com.
Awakening to the Natural World: Simple Sense-Opening Exercises with Beth Bengtson
2:00 p.m. stone circle and fire pit
The benefits of spending time in the natural world are becoming increasingly well known. Learn some easy techniques to renew and deepen your connection with nature alongside Certified Forest Therapy Guide Beth Bengtson. Beth will guide participants in simple, sense-opening exercises and gentle invitations to foster awareness of and reciprocity with the more-than-human world, and give tips for incorporating nature connection practices into daily life.
Beth Bengtson has a passion for helping people connect with the natural world through knowledge and experience. She is a Certified Forest Therapy Guide through the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs, and has certifications in Natural History and N-ACT (Natural Areas Conservation Training) through The Morton Arboretum in Lisle, IL. She has worked as an Education Program Guide at the Arboretum since 2008, teaching nature education programs to youth and adults in both lab and outdoor settings. She also works with a volunteer steward group restoring the Arboretum’s East Prairie, and leads students and youth volunteers on natural areas restoration projects. Beth has a B.A in English from the University of Iowa and, prior to entering the field of nature education, worked professionally as a writer/editor. She still enjoys writing occasional freelance and personal projects. Her work has been published in literary journals and various print and online publications.
Sustain DuPage Garden Tour
2:30 p.m., gardens
Sophia: The Mystery of Divine Wisdom with Richard Smoley
3:30 p.m., Auditorium (third floor)
The mysterious figure of Sophia, divine wisdom, lurks on the edges of theology. She is praised in the Bible. She is honored in the great church of Hagia Sophia (“Holy Wisdom”) in Istanbul. Her fall and redemption are chronicled in the texts of the ancient Gnostics. But who is she really? What does she represent?
Richard Smoley, author of Forbidden Faith: The Secret History of Gnosticism, explores the myth of Sophia past and present. He shows that the mystery of Sophia is the central mystery of consciousness itself: what it is, how it is lost in identification with externals, and how it may be liberated. The story of Sophia tells us a great deal about our own minds and how we interpret (and misinterpret) the world around us.
Richard Smoley is editor of Quest: Journal of the Theosophical Society in America. He is also the author of thirteen books on spirituality, philosophy, and religion. His latest book, Seven Games of Life, was published in May 2023. Richard lectures nationwide for the Theosophical Society and other organizations and has been featured on numerous YouTube videos.
Discovering the Right Meditation Practice for Your Unique Self with Juliana Cesano
3:30 p.m., Nicholson Hall (lower level)
Many people abandon meditation because they don’t feel at home with the practice. When meditation is imposed as a one-size-fits-all practice, it often feels restrictive and unwelcoming. However, when meditation becomes a natural expression of our unique way of connecting with the Divine—in any of its forms—we truly feel at home and our practice flourishes. This talk will guide you in discovering your inner make-up and help you find your own authentic path to meditation.
Juliana Cesano is a third-generation Theosophist and has been actively involved with the Theosophical Society’s work for over 20 years. She became a staff member at the National Center of the Theosophical Society in America in 2007, where she currently serves as National Secretary and Member Education Director. She is an international speaker, and her main focus over the past 15 years has been the transformational power of contemplative practices.
Yang Style Simplified T'ai Chi with John Robertson
3:30 p.m. activity tent (outside)
Through the practice of T'ai Chi Ch'uan, your mind can achieve a stillness and clarity rarely experienced with other forms of exercise, integrating your body and mind and allowing you to achieve inner peace. Practice strengthens the immune system; improves posture, balance, coordination, flexibility, and strength; reduces blood pressure and stress; and releases tension, allowing a feeling of positive energy to flow through your body. No experience necessary!
John Robertson has nearly 20 years of experience practicing and teaching T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong. He is a Level 7 Certified Qigong Instructor with World Ki Gong and a Certified Advanced Instructor and professional member of the National Qigong Association. John owns Seven Stars Martial Arts in Winfield. (www.7StarsMA.com).
Sustain DuPage Garden Tour
4:00 p.m., gardens
Bartlett Tree Service Presentation (TBD)
5:00 p.m., auditorium (third floor)
Spirit Circle Drumming with Karen Tlusty-Rissman
5:00 p.m., stone circle and fire pit
Celebrate your spirit through music and movement! Join us in sacred space for healing rhythms and dance. Based on a blend of traditions, the drum circle draws on our most ancient roots to create expressions of love and joy, raising energy that is held in silence and then sent out in offerings of prayer, followed by grounding. Although some instruments will be available, please bring drums, rattles, or other rhythm instruments if possible. Meet outdoors at the Stone Circle south of the labyrinth.
Karen Tlusty-Rissman is a musician, artist, and celebrant of Spirit in all forms. She has facilitated sacred circles for over 30 years. Her practice, based on the belief that all beings on this planet are One, weaves together the common threads of Native American and pagan teachings as well as reiki energy work and aromatherapy. Co-facilitator of the Community Drum Circle for 15 years and currently leading a meditation class at the Anahata Center, Karen also facilitates many ceremonies honoring life passages, seasonal transitions, and for healing. Karen is available for personal consultation and musical performances.