





Theosophical Society - Flower Picture. Ethics The Theosophical view, without dictating how people should live, offers a deep view of the purpose of life and the nature of human beings that can constitute a firm foundation for people's way of living. What is the origin of evil? What is the role of suffering? What is right living? Explore these and many other similar questions in this section.Ethics

The Theosophical view, without dictating how people should live, offers a deep view of the purpose of life and the nature of human beings that can constitute a firm foundation for people's way of living. What is the origin of evil? What is the role of suffering? What is right living? Explore these and many other similar questions in this section.



Note: The links are listed alphabetically by the author's name, and not according to any particular sequence.


1- Online Articles


Archetypes, Assassination, and Attention by John Algeo 

The Dark Side of Light by John Algeo

Lucifer: What's in a Name by John Algeo

Discord is the Harmony of the Universe by John Algeo

The Golden Stairs: Ethics in the Ancient Wisdom Tradition by John Algeo

True Theosophical Service by Dorothy Bell

The Two Hands of God by Richard Brooks

The Progeny of Space and Time by David Bruce

What is Our Priority? By Radha Burnier

The Urgency for a New Perspective by Radha Burnier

Being in the World, But Not of It by Radha Burnier

A New Millennium of Awareness and Action by Radha Burnier

The Ever-Present Reality by Radha Burnier

The Secret of Sin and Suffering by Clara M. Codd

An Infinity Within to Give by Diana Dunningham-Chapotin

The Ethics and Sociology of Fohat by Robert Ellwood

Theosophical Interpretations of Evil by Robert Ellwood

Joy: The Deepest Secret of the Universe by Robert Ellwood

The Message of Suffering by Narayan Mahapatra

To Be Is To Be Responsible by Joy Mills

The Beauty of Virtue by N. Sri Ram

Vegetarianism and Theosophy by The Theosophical Society in America


2- Online Audios

The Ethics of Occultism by Richard Brooks

Occult Nature of Love by Capel McCutcheon

The Beauty of Virtue by N. Sri Ram

Giving as Spiritual Practice by Ben Ward


3- Online Videos

Desire and Spiritual Selfishness by Ed Abdill

The Still Point between Good and Evil by Ed Abdill


4- Borrow from the H. S. Olcott Memorial Library

a) Books

Besant, Annie, Theosophy, 1912, 94 pages.
Different aspects of Theosophy, are explained in relation to science, morality and art, philosophy, religion, and how it is applied to social problems.
T B463 T (Mini)

Jinarajadasa, C., Practical Theosophy, 1952, 73 pages.
A compilation of lectures showing how Theosophy, as a philosophy of conduct, approaches every area of action in our daily life including home, school, business, science, art and state—pointing out a different way of living and understanding life.
T J 564 PTh

Krishnamurti, J., Education as Service, 1912, 160 pages.
These are the first teachings of Krishnamurti on education, written when he was still a teenager. Using the same structure of the book At the Feet of the Master, the author applies his Master’s teachings to a subject that was going to be central to his whole life.
T K897 ES (Mini)

Kulkarni, R. K., Child Training: In the Light of Theosophy, c1927, 204 pages.
A collection of articles about education written by leading Theosophists and a few other writers, exploring what constitutes children and how they can best be trained and raised to uncover latent potentials.

Parents Theosophical Research Group, A Theosophical Guide for Parents, 1981, 165 pages.
Intended for those who feel that the spiritual side of life must be emphasized in raising a family while working towards their own self realization, this guide presents a collection of articles covering subjects such as The Feminine Aspect, The Evolutionary Family, and Education in the Light of Occultism.
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Shearman, Hugh, Desire and Fulfillment, 1956, 84 pages.
One of the main problems of the spiritual life is that difficulties arise not so much because we don’t know what to do, but because we don't want to do it. The author presents a fresh perspective on desire and emotion in human life and its role in the spiritual life.
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b) Audios

Algeo, John, Social Action as Spiritual Practice, CDA 0284-4

Ellwood, Robert S., Theosophy and Evil: New Perspectives, AR 4723

Mills, Joy, Spiritual Wisdom for Today's Seekers, CDA 0355-3


c) Videos

Burnier, Radha, When You are One with Every Heart that Beats, VR 1225

Mills, Joy, Service: The Dynamic Power of Real Knowledge, DVD 0146

Sellon, Emily B., Freedom: The Ultimate Necessity, VR 0702